Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版

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Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版

Holy Bible King James + Audio

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    Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版

Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版简介

想入坑Holy Bible King James + Audio,可是手机屏幕太小,一跑游戏就变烫,怎么办?使用逍遥模拟器,在电脑的大屏幕上畅快体验!在电脑上下载安装Holy Bible King James + Audio,不用担心电池当掉,想玩多久玩多久,顺畅跑一天~全新的逍遥模拟器8,绝对是您体验Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版的好选择。完美的按键映射系统让Holy Bible King James + Audio如端游般运行;


Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版截图&视频

透过逍遥模拟器,在电脑上下载Holy Bible King James + Audio,享受大荧屏的畅快体验。 Holy Bible - King James Version app by Tecarta has been downloaded over 10 million times and is the best, FREE, offline Bible app for Android.


Holy Bible - King James Version app by Tecarta has been downloaded over 10 million times and is the best, FREE, offline Bible app for Android. Expertly crafted in Palo Alto, this Bible app makes it easy and simple to read, study and share the Bible. Great features such as navigation, search, note taking, sharing and audio allow you get the most out of your Bible study anywhere and anytime.

In addition, this Bible app comes with the following premium tools: Strong’s Concordance makes it easy and fast to find every word occurrence in the Bible. Dramatized Audio allows you to listen to the entire Bible to supplement your reading. Scripture of the Day, notifications and other features will keep you rooted in God’s word daily. Download for free and try many more features available with this Bible app.

The Holy Bible King James Version Bible (KJV) is arguably the most read and influential Bible translation of the last 500 years. The KJV Bible was commissioned by the Church of England and completed in 1611.

? Full offline text of the Holy Bible King James Version
? Offline KJV Strong’s Concordance.
? Dramatized AUDIO of the entire Bible
? Take Notes offline
? Highlight or Underline words & entire verses
? Bookmark Verses
? Add Margin Notes
? 4 types of Navigation (Scroll Wheel, 3-Tap, 2-Tap, & Keyboard)
? Full Screen Immersive Mode by a simple double tap (Android KitKat and higher)
? Folders to organize your notes & bookmarks
? Access Study Bibles & read the study notes beside the Bible
? Offline (No Internet connection required for downloaded Bibles)
? Red Letter text for Jesus' words
? Search the Old & New Testament to find verses containing the entered keyword
? Night mode for low-lit reading areas
? History folder to access past 50 viewed verses
? Split-screen mode to read two Bible translations at once
? Share verses & notes via Google+, Facebook, Twitter, email, & SMS
? Bible talks to you! Text-to-Speech allows the Bible to be read to you out loud
? Change font size and font type
? Auto scroll allows the Bible to scroll automatically
? Backup all your purchases and created Bible data using a FREE TecartaBible.com account
? Cross References & Footnotes by long-pressing on dotted-underlined words & superscript letters

? Try any Study Bible for free (NIV Study Bible, Life Application Study Bible, NKJV Study Bible, NIV Woman's Study Bible, Lucado Life Lessons Bible, and more!).
? Bible translations (NIV, NLT, NKJV, ESV, GW, MSG, NCV, and more!). Compare and study different translations side by side.
? Bible Commentaries (Matthew Henry's Concise, Commentary Critical & Explanatory on the Whole Bible, John Wesley's Explanatory Notes, John Gill's Exposition on the Whole Bible, and more!)
? Bible Devotionals (One Year Devos)

The free version of this app comes with a single ad limited to only the home screen to help cover development costs. No ads while you are reading the Bible. Any in-app purchase will remove ads.

If you have suggestions, questions, or comments we would love to hear from you! Email us at [email protected]

If you need help or want to see all the features in your Tecarta Bible, please visit our Help website at https://tecartabible.com/help/


电脑玩Holy Bible King James + Audio

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    3. 在谷歌商店中搜索Holy Bible King James + Audio

  • Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版 Install

    4. 下载并安装Holy Bible King James + Audio

  • Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版

    5. 下载完成后点击图标来启动

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    Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版 Holy Bible King James + Audio电脑版

    6. 通过逍遥在电脑上享受Holy Bible King James + Audio

为什么用逍遥玩Holy Bible King James + Audio


  • 大屏精细展示;无限待机,超越电池和流量限制

  • 键鼠、手把操作全面支持,操作更精准

  • 用逍遥多开同时运行多个游戏、应用。



Holy Bible King James + Audio - FAQs

  • How to use Holy Bible King James + Audio on PC?

    Use Holy Bible King James + Audio on PC by following steps:

    • Download MEmu, then install and launch it
    • Login to Google Play Store, install the app
    • Enjoy using the app on PC with MEmu
  • What are the minimum system requirements to run Holy Bible King James + Audio on PC?
    • Intel or AMD Processor
    • Microsoft Windows 7 and above
    • 2GB of memory
    • 5GB of free disk space
    • Hardware Virtualization Technology