Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版下載

Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

Wrestling Revolution 3D

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    Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版簡介

愛玩Wrestling Revolution 3D的你,雙手不應該被束縛在智慧手機的小屏幕上。像職業選手一樣用鍵盤和滑鼠來全面控制你的遊戲吧。逍遙模擬器給你提供了你所有的期待。在電腦上下載、安裝Wrestling Revolution 3D並盡情遊玩。再也不用擔心剩餘電量、流量消耗和煩人的來電。全新的逍遙模擬器9是你在電腦上遊玩Wrestling Revolution 3D的最佳選擇!我们用心準備,完美的按鍵映射系統讓Wrestling Revolution 3D宛如電腦遊戲;我們,用嫻熟的技術編程,逍遙多開器讓所有遊戲開好開滿;獨一無二的虛擬化引擎釋放你電腦的全部潛力,一切都入絲般順滑。我們不僅在意你怎樣遊玩,更在意如何讓你享受遊玩的樂趣!


Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版截圖&影片

透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Wrestling Revolution 3D,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 The heavyweight champion of mobile wrestling - celebrating over 60 MILLION downloads!


The heavyweight champion of mobile wrestling - celebrating over 60 MILLION downloads!

The "Wrestling Revolution" rumbles into the 3rd dimension, where it now features BOTH aspects of the business in ONE epic universe. A wrestling career challenges you to take shots in the ring, whereas a "booking" career allows you to call the shots backstage - promoting entertaining matches every week for ratings. Seeing each side of the curtain gives you an even better appreciation for the other, and ensures you'll never grow bored of wrestling again! Both modes are available to play for free, with the option to upgrade to enjoy the "Pro" experience with no ads or limitations.

And if playing Pro isn't enough, a separate "Backstage Pass" allows you to play God by saving your changes to all 9 rosters before pitting your immortals against each other in dream matches of your own creation! With 4 pages of rules to mix & match - including up to 20 wrestlers in rings of any shape or size - the only limit is your imagination. You can also blow off steam with no pressure by revisiting the 8 weeks of supercards from the game's promotional tour. Not to mention the interactive training process that teaches you how to lock up in the first place.

The game features an interactive tutorial that you are advised to play through, but the basic controls are as follows:
CURSORS = Movement (double-tap to dash)
A = Attack (with a direction to aim high, without to aim low)
G = Grapple
R = Run
P = Pick-Up / Drop (with a direction to throw)
T = Taunt / Pin / Referee duties
EYE = Change focus / Turn opponent around
HEALTH METER = Switch character
CLOCK = Pause / Change camera angle

* This game is also compatible with Android controllers such as NVidia Shield 2k or MOGA Pro ("B" Mode).

Although every effort has been made to keep performance as high as possible, some devices may benefit from a visit to the Options menu to fine tune the display:
- The number of characters is perhaps the biggest factor so consider turning off referees and setting a limit on the match size.
- If you don't want to sacrifice numbers, you can sacrifice polygons instead and opt for "Basic" character models (no fingers).
- The ropes are surprisingly demanding and you may squeeze in an extra character if you make them "Static".
- Turning off shadows and reducing crowd sprites may also help.

I regret that there's more to this game than I could ever fit in an app store description, so please consult the online guides for further reading:

* Please note that Wrestling Revolution depicts a fictitious universe. Any similarity to real wrestlers or promotions is purely coincidental.


電腦玩Wrestling Revolution 3D

  • Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

    1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置

  • Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

    2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店

  • Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

    3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋Wrestling Revolution 3D

  • Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版 Install

    4. 下載並安裝Wrestling Revolution 3D

  • Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

    5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動

  • Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版
    Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版 Wrestling Revolution 3D電腦版

    6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗Wrestling Revolution 3D

為什麼用逍遙玩Wrestling Revolution 3D


  • 大屏精細展示;無限待機,超越電池和流量限制

  • 鍵鼠,手把操作全面支持,操作更精準

  • 用逍遙多開同時運行多個遊戲、應用。



Wrestling Revolution 3D - FAQs

  • How to play Wrestling Revolution 3D on PC?

    Play Wrestling Revolution 3D on PC by following steps:

    • Download MEmu, then install and launch it
    • Login to Google Play Store, install the game
    • Enjoy playing the game on PC with MEmu
  • What are the minimum system requirements to run Wrestling Revolution 3D on PC?
    • Intel or AMD Processor
    • Microsoft Windows 7 and above
    • 2GB of memory
    • 5GB of free disk space
    • Hardware Virtualization Technology