Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

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Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

Shogi - Japanese Chess

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    Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版簡介

愛玩Shogi - Japanese Chess的你,雙手不應該被束縛在智慧手機的小屏幕上。像職業選手一樣用鍵盤和滑鼠來全面控制你的遊戲吧。逍遙模擬器給你提供了你所有的期待。在電腦上下載、安裝Shogi - Japanese Chess並盡情遊玩。再也不用擔心剩餘電量、流量消耗和煩人的來電。全新的逍遙模擬器9是你在電腦上遊玩Shogi - Japanese Chess的最佳選擇!我们用心準備,完美的按鍵映射系統讓Shogi - Japanese Chess宛如電腦遊戲;我們,用嫻熟的技術編程,逍遙多開器讓所有遊戲開好開滿;獨一無二的虛擬化引擎釋放你電腦的全部潛力,一切都入絲般順滑。我們不僅在意你怎樣遊玩,更在意如何讓你享受遊玩的樂趣!


Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版截圖&影片

透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Shogi - Japanese Chess,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 It is a shogi application loaded with AI that you can play with confidence even beginners such as those who want to start shogi from now or those who understand the rules.


It is a shogi application loaded with AI that you can play with confidence even beginners such as those who want to start shogi from now or those who understand the rules.
Why do not you try Shogi as your partner for the first time.

Also equipped with more than 3000 stages of practical packed shogi.
There are also interpersonal warfare functions that two people can use instead of a shogi board.
It is also perfect for those who want to remember the rules of Shogi because they contain explanation of shogi rules from the explanation of shogi pieces.
Since AI of a beginner level is also carried considerably, even those who remember the rules of Shogi can play with confidence.

Also to study shogi! You can use it for powerful maid shogi!

◆Before going to the online games with a lot of strong people First you can learn by playing all the things you must wear.
Why do not you make the best chess in the class?
Do not you want to win seniors with a strong work shogi?
Since it is an application game, it starts easily, it finishes in a short time, and since it is a game, it is easy to manage motivation.
It is also recommended for using it like a brain train.

Since it is an online battleground where there are many beginners more than anywhere, it is the environment that makes it easiest to start the most online game.
Combine numerous parts and make your own avatar!
There is avatar of event limited distribution as well.
There is also a display of the battle pattern!

◆New features! Tsume Shogi every day!
I tried to pursue that I could continue with Tsume Shogi and created it.
Why do not you keep on tight shogi, which is the shortest practice to become stronger every day?
You can solve the problem of the number of hands set in 1 to 5 hands, increasing all 10 questions gradually with increasing difficulty.
Even if you do not know the answer, you can check the answer in 1 minute so it will not stop with a problem you do not understand.
You can receive reward every day by solving!

◆It is also possible to save game records
It can also be output as kif or sca format externally.
It is very useful when analyzing with strong Shogi software for other personal computers.

◆People who want to start shogi, people who want to become strong in apps
It is packed with functions necessary for beginners to strengthen Shogi.
Although studying Shogi is hard, I can reach it fully with this one application until the first stage of Ama.
Why do not you graduate a chess beginner while playing for a little free time or killing time at commuting school time?
From checking the rules, flowing in the game, wearing shogi with Tsume Shogi can all be done with this application.

◆Recommended for people like this!
- From weak AI to strong AI, those who want to play chess with a wide range of opponents
- Those who want to solve many packed shogi
- Those who are about to start shogi in their free time
- Those who do not know the rules of shogi, but who are trying to start shogi by watching animation and movies

◆Monthly withdrawal method
You can play Online without registering Premium member, but you can play more conveniently by registering as a member.
Registration is done from within the application and cancellation can be done in the following way.

1. Cancellation of Premium member can be done from the play store.
2. It is a cancellation method of Premium member, please open the google play store and check account information.
3. Since it is displayed as "Shogi" within the "subscription" of account information, you can cancel the member registration if you press the cancel button.

As a Premium member during the period purchased even after cancellation, you can continue to play, but please do not worry, as the subscription is renewed the next month, no charges will be incurred.

◆ When making inquiries, please contact us from the inquiry form within this application.


電腦玩Shogi - Japanese Chess

  • Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

    1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置

  • Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

    2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店

  • Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

    3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋Shogi - Japanese Chess

  • Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版 Install

    4. 下載並安裝Shogi - Japanese Chess

  • Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

    5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動

  • Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版
    Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版 Shogi - Japanese Chess電腦版

    6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗Shogi - Japanese Chess

為什麼用逍遙玩Shogi - Japanese Chess


  • 大屏精細展示;無限待機,超越電池和流量限制

  • 鍵鼠,手把操作全面支持,操作更精準

  • 用逍遙多開同時運行多個遊戲、應用。


更多由Cross Field Inc.提供的項目

Shogi - Japanese Chess - FAQs

  • How to play Shogi - Japanese Chess on PC?

    Play Shogi - Japanese Chess on PC by following steps:

    • Download MEmu, then install and launch it
    • Login to Google Play Store, install the game
    • Enjoy playing the game on PC with MEmu
  • What are the minimum system requirements to run Shogi - Japanese Chess on PC?
    • Intel or AMD Processor
    • Microsoft Windows 7 and above
    • 2GB of memory
    • 5GB of free disk space
    • Hardware Virtualization Technology