想入坑Samsung Notes,可是手機熒幕太小,一跑遊戲就變燙,怎麼辦?透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦的大熒幕上暢快體驗!用鍵鼠像實況主一樣打出神操作,逍遙模擬器滿足您的所有期待。在電腦上下載安裝Samsung Notes,不用擔心電池當掉,想玩多久玩多久,順暢跑一天~全新的逍遙模擬器9,絕對是您遊玩Samsung Notes電腦版的最佳選擇。完美的按鍵映射系統讓Samsung Notes如端遊般運行;透過逍遙多開器,讓所有遊戲開好開滿;更有獨一無二的虛擬化引擎釋放電腦的全部潛能,穩定掛網不斷線。我們不僅在乎您怎樣遊玩,更在乎如何讓您玩得開心!
With Samsung Notes,
you can create notes containing texts, images with footnotes, voice recordings, and music. Moreover, you can share your notes easily to SNS.
Previously made any memos from S Note and Memo also can be imported into Samsung Notes.
Samsung Notes provides various brush types and color mixers, so that you can draw fabulous paintings like professional painters.
You may also share your paintings at PEN.UP right away.
Samsung Notes is a hub for all your hand-written notes, sketches, drawings.
Creating notes
Tap + icon at the bottom of the main screen of Samsung Notes to create notes.
Locking notes
1.Tap the More options button on the main screen of Samsung Notes, select Settings,
then select Lock notes to create a password.
2.Create a password, then tap the note you want to lock.
3.Tap the More options button while viewing a note, then select Lock.
Adding text
Tap keyboard icon at the top of the screen to enter text using the keyboard.
Use the Rich text toolbar to edit the style of the text.
Adding handwriting
Tap Handwriting icon at the top of the screen to add handwriting.
Handwritten text can be recognised. You can also use handwriting to search for keywords in notes.
Adding drawings
Tap drawing icon at the top of the screen to create drawings.
Adding image and voice recordings
Tap image icon at the top of the screen to insert images.
Tap Voice recording icon at the top of the screen to insert voice recordings.
Using pen settings
Select from various pen types, sizes, and colours.
Erasing handwriting
Tap eraser icon at the bottom of the screen, then tap or swipe your finger over the handwriting you want to erase.
Using Selection mode
Tap selection icon at the bottom of the screen, then select an area of handwriting.
You can then move the selected area, adjust its size, and more.
Using brush settings
Select from various brush types and colours.
Tap the selected brush to view the brush settings again and change more settings such as the size and opacity.
Tap color icon, then select the colour you want to draw with.
Using Smart Switch.
Use Smart Switch to import S Note and Memo data from other devices.
Using Samsung account.
1.Tap the More options button while on the main screen of Samsung Notes, select Settings, then select Import data.
2.Select S Note or Memo data saved using your Samsung account, then tap the DONE button.
Syncing notes via Samsung Cloud
1.Tap the More options button while on the main screen of Samsung Notes, select Settings,
then select Sync with Samsung Cloud.
2.Register with or sign in to Samsung Cloud using your Samsung account.
Samsung Notes data will be synced automatically.
Creating notes while screen off
Detach the S Pen while the screen is turned off to create screen off memos.
Keyword : SDOC, Note, Memo
Notice : Regarding the App Access Privilege
The following permissions are required for the app service.
For optional permissions, the default functionality of the service is turned on, but not allowed.
Required permissions
? Storage: Used to save or load note files
Optional permissions
? Telephone: Used to check device-unique identification information for providing app update
? Microphone: Used to record the voice to be inserted into the note
? Camera: Used to take photos to be inserted into the note
? Contacts: Used to read account information to sync with your account
1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置
2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋Samsung Notes
4. 下載並安裝Samsung Notes
5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動
6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗Samsung Notes
Use Samsung Notes on PC by following steps: