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Baby Names - Baby Boys & GirlsをPCでダウンロード!大画面でより楽しむ。電源が落ちてしまうとか通信料が足りないとかの問題を心配する必要がなく、PCの大画面でより快適にゲームを楽しましょう! Baby Name app have collection of Islamic baby names (girls and boys) with meaning.
Baby Name app have collection of Islamic baby names (girls and boys) with meaning.
This app provides recommendations to the Muslim parents for naming their children according to the teachings of Islam.
You can select from a long list of Islamic Muslim baby names with meanings.
Islam emphasizes that Muslims should have good names and give good names to their children. One of the important responsibilities of parents is the selection of a good name for their children, a name which is pursuant to the teachings of Islam. Islam requires the parents to exercise care in the selection of the names of their children.
The name of a person has a lot of social significance too. A person is recognized by his/her name, and if the name is pleasant, the people would well receive that person. It is also indicative of the religion to which he belongs.
It is known that the names have an effect on the personality of a person, so it must be chosen according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This is because the names have meanings and these meanings inevitably affect the person who carries the name.
However, there are some prohibitions regarding naming children. Muslims are not supposed to name their children after the Finest Names of Allah e.g. Al-Khaliq (The creator). In the same way, it is prohibited to use an attribute of Allah with a definite article, such as “Al-Aziz” (The all-powerful) as names. But one can use the attributes of Allah without the articles, e.g. “Aziz”.
It is, however, a commendable thing to name someone after the Prophets and righteous people.
Choosing the name is the right of the father, but it is recommended that the father takes an opinion of the mother in this matter. The child must be named after his/her father.
*Muslim baby names
*Muslim baby names for girls
*Muslim baby names for boys
*Kids Islamic names with meanings
If you have any suggestion or feedback regarding the app, please contact through the feedback section of the app. Your satisfaction is of top priority to us.
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