League of Kingdoms PC版

League of KingdomsをPCでダウンロード

League of Kingdoms PC版
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    League of Kingdoms PC版

League of Kingdoms PC版紹介

スマホ不要!プロ選手のようにキーボードとマウスで操作しよう。MEmuエミュはあなたにすべての期待を与える。電池が切れてしまうとか画面が小さいとかの問題を心配する必要がなくて、存分League of Kingdomsを楽しんでください。新しいMEmuエミュ7はPCでLeague of Kingdomsをプレイするのに最適!完璧なキーマッピングシステムにより、まるでパソコンゲームみたい。マルチインスタンスで複数のゲームやアプリを同時に実行!唯一無二な仮想化エンジンがパソコンの可能性を最大限になる。遊べるだけでなく、より楽しめる!


League of Kingdoms PC版の画像と動画

League of KingdomsをPCでダウンロード!大画面でより楽しむ。電源が落ちてしまうとか通信料が足りないとかの問題を心配する必要がなく、PCの大画面でより快適にゲームを楽しましょう! League of Kingdoms is the world's first MMO Strategy game owned & powered by users.


League of Kingdoms is the world's first MMO Strategy game owned & powered by users. All lands are owned and governed by you. You can permanently own, actively develop, launch massive alliance warfare, and earn lucrative rewards by contributing to the development of the continents. Your strategy, diplomacy, instincts, and war tactics all come to life here!

Are you ready for a real strategy?

?? Your strategy starts here.
Various constraints of resources, time, and distances make your astute tactics, penetrating intuition, and swift decision-making shine on the battlefield more than ever before. Less micro-control with more strategy. Welcome to the art of war!

?? Your ownership matters.
You can own a parcel of land where the game unfolds. Invite your friends to your Land and start building a powerful alliance. The concept of ownership adds another immersive layer to the already engaging gameplay. Your active engagement will enrich your Land and attracts more kingdoms.

?? Your treasure works like a charm.
The unique treasures are waiting for the bravest leaders. These magical relics are passed down from ancient times. When you collect all pieces of the prizes, you can unlock massive magical powers that you can actively put to use.

?? Join forces in a dominant alliance.
A full set of alliance features allow players to grow together: alliance chats with built-in translation function, officer roles, alliance research, gifts, and more! Alliances can take down monsters, seize good locations to strengthen their position and work together to unlock group achievements. Maximize your alliance power by leveraging members’ Land ownership.

?? The siege of the shrine
Fight alongside your alliance to take control of the sacred shrines. Clash with other alliances and use superior tactics to emerge victorious in the campaign to capture the control of a shrine. Occupy the highest shrines and gain control of its surrounding territories. Your feats will be remembered for ages to come.

?? The making of a democracy
Transparent voting and democratic governance process will always have your voice heard. As a citizen or an owner of the Genesis continent, you will be empowered to voice and take part in important decision makings about the future of the game ecosystem. Welcome onboard to the self-sovereign society.

PRIVACY POLICY URL: https://play.leagueofkingdoms.com/terms/privacy.html


League of KingdomsをPCでダウンロードする方法

  • League of Kingdoms PC版

    1. MEmuインストーラーをダウンロードしてセットアップを完了する

  • League of Kingdoms PC版

    2. MEmuを起動し、デスクトップでのPlayストアを開く

  • League of Kingdoms PC版

    3. PlayストアでLeague of Kingdomsを検索する

  • League of Kingdoms PC版 Install

    4. League of Kingdomsをダウンロードしてインストールする

  • League of Kingdoms PC版

    5. インストールが完了したら、アイコンをクリックしてスタート

  • League of Kingdoms PC版
    League of Kingdoms PC版 League of Kingdoms PC版

    6. MEmuを使用してPCでLeague of Kingdomsを楽しむ


MEmu App Playerは最高の無料で提供されるAndroidエミュレータで、5,000万人がすでに優れたAndroidゲーム体験を楽しんでいます。 MEmuの仮想化技術は、あなたのPCで何千ものAndroidゲームを快適にプレイすることを可能にします。

  • 大画面でより精細;無限の待機、電池とドラフィックの極限を超え

  • キーボード?マウス?コントローラーを全力でサポート、より快適

  • マルチインスタンスで複数のゲームを同時に実行


League of Kingdoms - FAQs

  • PCでLeague of Kingdomsをプレイするには?

    Play League of Kingdoms on PC by following steps:

    • Download MEmu, then install and launch it
    • Login to Google Play Store, install the game
    • Enjoy playing the game on PC with MEmu
  • PCでLeague of Kingdomsを実行するための最小システム要件とは?
    • Intel or AMD Processor
    • Microsoft Windows 7 and above
    • 2GB of memory
    • 5GB of free disk space
    • Hardware Virtualization Technology