Téléchargez Winter Survival sur PC
Avec toute la passion que vous avez à jouer Winter Survival, vos mains ne sont pas sensées se limiter à l’infime écran de votre téléphone. Jouez comme un pro et ayez le contr?le total de votre jeu à l’aide du clavier et de la souris. MEmu satisfait toutes vos attentes. Téléchargez et jouez Winter Survival sur PC. Jouez aussi longtemps que vous souhaitez sans aucune limitation de batterie, de données mobiles et d’appels embêtants. La toute nouvelle version de MEmu 9 est la meilleure option de jouer Winter Survival sur PC. Réalisé par nos experts, l’e magnifique système d’affectation de touches prédéfini fait de Winter Survival un jeu réaliste sur PC. Le gestionnaire multi-instances de MEmu permet 2 ou plusieurs comptes de jeu sur le même appareil. Et le plus important, le moteur d’émulation exclusif peut libérer le plein potentiel de votre PC, ce qui facilite tout.
Afficher plus
Téléchargez Winter Survival avec le simulateur d’Android MEmu sur votre PC. Profitez de jouer sur un grand écran. A nice winter hike in Mount Washington State Park with friends turned into a dire situation.
A nice winter hike in Mount Washington State Park with friends turned into a dire situation. You find yourself alone, fighting for survival with limited supplies. You must battle the cold, thirst, hunger, wildlife, and your own state of mind as you try to make your way to an abandoned ranger station to call for help. Winter Survival is a comprehensive survival game that is currently in Early Access. It features dynamic combat, stealth, base building, and a unique sanity system, among other things. The game offers multiple modes and difficulties, allowing you to tailor your experience. As you explore snow-covered forests, mountains, and frozen lakes, you will face treacherous terrain, dangerous animals, and harsh winter conditions. You must find shelter, cook meals, and rest to prepare for the challenges of each new day. You are not the first person to visit this area. Many others have come before you, and some even lived here over a century ago. By exploring your surroundings, you may discover useful items left behind by those who came before. You can unlock the story of the town they built and uncover its secrets. However, you must be cautious of traps and find ways to restore the abandoned structures. In addition to cold, thirst, hunger, and exhaustion, you must also contend with injuries, sickness, and unpredictable weather. Spending a night without shelter in freezing cold temperatures is dangerous, and venturing out in a snowstorm is equally risky. The game includes random events that can either help or worsen your situation. The adaptation system allows you to learn new survival skills and enhance your abilities. The unique sanity system adds a psychological element to the game, blurring the line between reality and madness. Your mind becomes your greatest enemy in this desolate land. Fatigue, loss of willpower, and hallucinations are just some of the challenges you may face. Fear and stress can also distort your perception, making for a captivating survival experience. In Winter Survival, you must hunt or be hunted. You can use the environment to your advantage, observing and studying the behavior of animals. Craft traps to capture them, scare away wolves with torches, and use spears for both hunting and self-defense against apex predators. With limited resources, it is important to carefully consider engaging in fights. Confronting a bear with a knife or spear may not be wise. Sometimes, it is better to avoid or sneak past dangerous encounters. Gathering resources, learning how to craft essential tools, and building shelters are crucial for escaping daily struggles. Different resources can be found in various areas, obtained through hunting, or left behind by those who came before. The extensive crafting system allows you to build everything from campfires for cooking to complete shelters and protective structures. Proper preparation and crafting can help you transition from a dangerous environment to a more manageable one. The game offers two different modes to choose from: Story Mode: Uncover more about yourself and the people who lived in this area while striving to survive. Find your friends and find a way back home. Endless Mode: Take advantage of more resources and crafting options as you aim to conquer the world around you. Start and progress at your own pace.
Afficher plus
1. Téléchargez l'installateur MEmu et terminez l'installation
2. Démarrez MEmu puis ouvrez Google Play sur la page d'accueil
3. Recherchez Winter Survival dans Google Play
4. Téléchargez et installez Winter Survival
5. Une fois l'installation terminée, cliquez sur l'ic?ne pour démarrer
6. Profitez de jouer Winter Survival sur PC avec MEmu
Le lecteur d'application MEmu est le meilleur émulateur Android gratuit, et 50 millions de personnes profitent déjà de sa fantastique expérience de jeu Android. La technologie de virtualisation MEmu vous donne la possibilité de jouer à des milliers de jeux Android sur votre PC sans aucune difficulté, même aux plus gourmands.
L’écran plus grand avec de meilleurs graphismes; Une longue durée, sans limitation de batterie ou de données mobiles.
Soutien du Keymapping pour un contr?le précis du clavier et de la souris ou de la manette de jeu
Plusieurs comptes de jeu ou taches sur un seul PC en même temps avec le gestionnaire de multi-instance.
Play Winter Survival on PC by following steps: