Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen mehr über überh?hte Gebühren, wenn Sie ATAK-CIV (Civil Use) auf Ihrem Mobiltelefon verwenden, befreien Sie sich von dem winzigen Bildschirm und genie?en Sie die Nutzung der App auf einem viel gr??eren Display. Von nun an k?nnen Sie Ihre App mit Tastatur und Maus im Vollbildmodus nutzen. MEmu bietet Ihnen all die überraschenden Funktionen, die Sie erwartet haben: schnelle Installation und einfache Einrichtung, intuitive Steuerung, keine Einschr?nkungen mehr durch Batterie, mobile Daten und st?rende Anrufe. Der brandneue MEmu 9 ist die beste Wahl für die Nutzung von ATAK-CIV (Civil Use) auf Ihrem Computer. Mit unserer Absorption kodiert, erm?glicht der Multi-Instanz-Manager die Er?ffnung von 2 oder mehr Konten zur gleichen Zeit. Und das Wichtigste, unsere exklusive Emulations-Engine kann das volle Potenzial Ihres PCs freisetzen und alles reibungslos und angenehm gestalten.
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Laden Sie Play ATAK-CIV (Civil Use) auf dem PC mit MEmu Android Emulator. Viel Spa? beim Spielen auf gro?mundieren. The Tactical Assault Kit is DoD nomenclature for the Team Awareness Kit (TAK) application: a mission planning, geospatial, Full Motion Video (FMV), and system administrator tool that reduces the operational footprint from a tactical laptop, to a commercial mobile device.
The Tactical Assault Kit is DoD nomenclature for the Team Awareness Kit (TAK) application: a mission planning, geospatial, Full Motion Video (FMV), and system administrator tool that reduces the operational footprint from a tactical laptop, to a commercial mobile device. The geospatial engine and communications component support Department of Defense (DoD) and commercial sector standards. Extensibility of the core platform is supported by the Software Development Kit (, which enables any partner to develop mission-specific capability or contribute to the advancement of the baseline. Data can be pre-loaded into ATAK or downloaded from the network when available.
Civil use capabilities of ATAK-CIV include:
? Online and offline mapping (most standard formats), with a blazing fast rendering engine
? Support for very high-resolution imagery (sub 1 cm resolution)
? Collaborative mapping, including points, drawings, locations of interest
? Extensive and customizable set of Icons
? Overlay Manager which allows the Import and display of KML, KMZ, GPX overlays, maps and imagery including both online and offline sources with adjustable transparency. These overlays can be treated as Gridded Refrence Gaphics.
? Location marking, sharing, history
? Chat, file sharing, photo sharing, video sharing, streaming
? Navigation-walking/hiking, driving, also useful flying and air-ground coordination
? Elevation Tools, heat maps, computed contour maps, viewsheds, routes w/DTED, SRTM, including dynamic profiling
? Hashtags and Sticky tags
? Center on Self, Center on other objects (e.g. another person in the network)
? Range, bearing, and other measurement tools
? Network-aware geofences with triggers
? "Bloodhound" destination tracking, including on moving objects
? Team Emergency Beacons
? Customizable Toolbar
? Radio controls and Integration
? Photo to map capability (aka Rubber Sheeting)
? Casualty evacuation tool
? Icon support for a wide variety of First Responder missions with further extensible Icons
? 3D perspective and ability to display 3D geospatial models
? Useful for First Responders, Hunting, fishing, ornithology, wildlife site survey
? ATAK-CIV is open source:
System Requirements
Operating System: ATAK requires Android 5.0 (API 21) or later.
Hardware: ATAK does not require specific hardware and should run on any Android device that supports the other System Requirements.
Graphics: ATAK requires a graphics processor that supports GLES 3.0.
Storage, Memory and Processor: no specific requirements for storage, memory or processor- performance of the application will depend on the configuration.
Recommended for optimal experience: Samsung S9 equivalent hardware or newer is used and for a tablet style device Samsung S2 equivalent or newer.
TAK CORE includes functionality that is common to all TAK applications and focuses on capabilities that can live in a cross-platform layer (simplifying the development and management of the library).
TAK CORE Features:
Networking – All ATAK applications use a variety of network mediums to send situational awareness data, chat messages, and other file types associated with mission planning activities. The networking component of TAK CORE handles creating the appropriate message at the application level (Cursor-on-Target), manages receiving and dispatching messages, and brokers communication with the TAK Server product.
Geospatial Data Processing – The TAK applications ingest geospatial imagery and overlay products for use on the moving map display.
Geospatial Data Visualization – A set of rendering utility and helper functions exist in TAK CORE to standardize the way geospatial imagery and overlays are rendered to the screen.
Geospatial Data Management – A data management capability is included in the TAK CORE to ensure that the data managed by TAK is relevant and accurate for the end user.
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1. Laden das MEmu-Installationsprogramm herunter und beenden die Installation
2. MEmu starten und Google Play auf der Homepage ?ffnen
3. Suchen ATAK-CIV (Civil Use) in Google Play
4. Herunterladen und Installieren ATAK-CIV (Civil Use)
5. Klicken nach Abschluss der Installation auf das Symbol, um es zu starten
6. Viel Spa? beim Spielen von ATAK-CIV (Civil Use) auf dem PC mit MEmu
MEmu App Player ist der beste kostenlose Android-Emulator und 50 Millionen Menschen genie?en bereits seine hervorragende Android-Gaming-Erfahrung. Mit der MEmu-Virtualisierungstechnologie k?nnen Sie Tausende von Android-Spielen problemlos auf Ihrem PC spielen, selbst bei grafikintensiven Spielen.
BGr??eres Bild mit besserer Grafik; Keine unterbrechungen, keine sorgen um Akku
Komplette Tastenbelegung unterstützt mit Maus und Tastatur oder Controller
Mit dem ?Multi-Instance-Manager“ k?nnen Sie mehrere Spielkonten oder Spiele gleichzeitig auf einem PC ausführen.
Use ATAK-CIV (Civil Use) on PC by following steps: