Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

Download Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app on PC

Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app

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    Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

Features of Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app on PC

P?estaňte se obávat p?ebíjení p?i pou?ívání Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app na mobilním telefonu, uvolněte se z malé obrazovky a u?ívejte si aplikace na mnohem vět?ím displeji. ?Spole?nost MEmu vám nabízí v?echny p?ekvapivé funkce, které jste o?ekávali: rychlá instalace a snadné nastavení, intuitivní ovládání, ?ádná omezení baterií, mobilní data a ru?ivá volání. Zcela novy p?ístroj MEmu 9 je nejlep?í volbou pou?ití Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app ve va?em po?íta?i. díky na?í absorpci umo?ňuje správce více instancí otev?ení 2 nebo více ú?t? sou?asně. A co je nejd?le?itěj?í, ná? exkluzivní emula?ní modul m??e uvolnit plny potenciál va?eho po?íta?e, u?init v?e plynulym a p?íjemnym.

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Screenshots & Video of Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

Vychutnejte si vynikající zá?itek z p?ehrávání Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app na PC s MEMU App Player. Je to silny bezplatny emulátor pro Android, ktery vám umo?ní hrát tisíce her v systému Android. Sweatcoin is a new breed of step counter and activity tracker app that pays you digital currency - sweat coin – for your steps to spend on gadgets, sports kit, fitness training, healthy nutrition and much much more ….

Game Info

Sweatcoin is a new breed of step counter and activity tracker app that pays you digital currency - sweat coin – for your steps to spend on gadgets, sports kit, fitness training, healthy nutrition and much much more …
Sweatcoin is an achievement tracker for new generations, it converts your steps into a new digital currency called sweatcoins. Spend sweatcoins earned on goods, services and experiences with our vendor partners or other users, donate to charity or exchange them with your friends and family for whatever you fancy.
The more you move -> the fitter and healthier you become -> the wealthier you get.
The movement has value with the action tracker! Earn it with the benefit for your health.
With Sweatcoin you can also exercise at home or outside and be rewarded with sweat coins.
Sweatcoin’s activity tracker will let you keep track of your progress: counting steps and monitoring your exercising activity.
With Sweatcoin you will be able to redeem offers for free thanks to our marketplace with exclusive discounts and products.
Whether you want to get in shape, lose weight or keep track of your fitness level, you’ll find Sweatcoin the perfect app to stay healthy.
You can use Sweatcoin on your smartphone (Android or iPhone) and in your smartwatch (currently on Apple Watch, stay tuned for Android Wear compatibility). You need to take just one step to begin!
Pedometer: Sweatcoin will run in the background, wasting no battery, to count your steps as a distance tracker and pacer.
Marketplace: get exclusive offers for free, prizes and discounts that you will not find anywhere else. You can redeem the coins you get by staying active, making Sweatcoin exercise tracker the first health-based currency ever.
Crowdfunding: If you want, you can also help causes that matter to you with your activity. Use your earned coins to help different charity projects by the NGOs that collaborate with us. We will give these organizations fiat currency (dollars, pounds, euros) once you’ve donated Sweatcoins to their cause.
Social sharing: ever wanted to organize a step competition with your friends? or create a group with your family and collaborate towards a common goal? Stay tuned, because we are revamping Sweatcoin with leaderboards, competitions, achievements and more (these features are currently in beta, so you might have to wait a few weeks to get them).
Set up your goal: whether you have a New Year resolution or you just want to have a step challenge, you can set up a goal and keep track of it on Sweatcoin. Don’t wonder how to count your steps and miles, just do it!
Security: Sweatcoin uses its own algorithm to count your steps. That means that, unlike other apps, we don’t track your location and we don’t have to share any information with a third party. Your data is only yours (and will always be!).

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How to Download Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app on PC

  • Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

    1. Download MEmu installer and finish the setup

  • Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

    2. Start MEmu then open Google Play on the desktop

  • Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

    3. Search Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app in Google Play

  • Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC Install

    4. Download and Install Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app

  • Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

    5. On install completion click the icon to start

  • Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC
    Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC

    6. Enjoy playing Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app on PC with MEmu

Why Use MEmu for Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app

MEmu je zdarma a ten nejlep?í Android emulátor. 50 milion? lidí si u?ívá jeho nejlep?í herní zá?itky. Technologie virtualizace MEmu ti dovolí plynule hrát Android hry na PC a to i ty nejnáro?něj?í.

  • Bigger screen with better graphics; Long duration, without limitation of battery or mobile data.

  • Full Keymapping support for precise control of keyboard and mouse or gamepad.

  • Multiple game accounts or tasks on single PC at one time with Multi-Instance manager.

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Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app - FAQs

  • How to use Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app on PC?

    Use Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app on PC by following steps:

    • Download MEmu, then install and launch it
    • Login to Google Play Store, install the app
    • Enjoy using the app on PC with MEmu
  • What are the minimum system requirements to run Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app on PC?
    • Intel or AMD Processor
    • Microsoft Windows 7 and above
    • 2GB of memory
    • 5GB of free disk space
    • Hardware Virtualization Technology
Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC
Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC
Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC
Sweatcoin — Walking step counter & pedometer app PC