Download Cliniq Homeopathique on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. Conceptualized by Dr.
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Conceptualized by Dr. Anshul Shah M.D.(Hom) & Dr. Meera Shah M.D.(Hom)
“A symptom does not acquire the status of a guiding symptom unless, apart from its appearance in the proving, it has been verified at the bedside a number of times” – Dr. Constantine Hering
In the Hering's Guiding Symptoms, the emphasis had shifted to the confirmed symptoms. It is a complement to all other works on our Materia Medica, being principally a collection of CURED SYMPTOMS.
Repertories were introduced into homeopathy because the expanding Materia Medica became too voluminous to allow quick and easy reference. Even in Hahnemann’s lifetime, it was difficult to memorize all the symptoms of continuously expanding Materia Medica. It is worth mentioning that a repertory should be considered as a complement to and not a replacement for the Materia Medica. Moreover, the rubric selected must carry the exact meaning that the patient has expressed.
Hence to avoid any human error on repertorization, we have endeavoured our task to focus on the Materia medica and the Drug Proving to select the symptoms directly according to the expression of the patient’s symptoms.
Cliniq Homeopathique is an android application which enables the student/ practitioner of Homeopathy to select the similimum on the basis of symptoms entered in the very own expression of the patient and does not require conversion of the symptoms into rubrics. Many a times we are not able to select the similimum owing to the wrong selection of rubric. With this app, we can avoid the conversion of the symptoms into the Rubrics and can directly select the medicine by navigating the symptoms either from the Materia Medica of Dr. John Henry Clarke and Dr. William Boericke or the Source Books in the form of The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Dr. Constantine Hering.
You only need to enter the patient’s symptoms in a random manner, and the application will lead you to the best medicine matching your patient’s symptoms. The best 100 results are displayed for patient’s symptoms which will enable you to select the remedy.
This app also allows you to form a Repertorial Totality by adding multiple symptoms of the patient using the “Remedy selection” tab and displays a chart of medicines with gradation; which covers those symptoms.
Stay connected!…Many more features to be supplemented. For updates or queries Join our facebook page:
Future enhancements: Easy selection from Kent’s repertory Reference books Clinic management software and more…
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